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How to Become a 

Member of Woodmont


 Visitors sometimes ask, “How can I join the church? What’s involved?” Great question. There are actually several answers. Here’s a list of ways by which people can join our church. (Those desiring membership will be asked to complete a card during the invitation time.)

By Profession of Faith and Baptism

Many who join our church do so as new Christians. By coming forward at the invitation, they are making a first-time profession of their faith, meaning that they have never publicly made a commitment to Christ or to the local church. On many occasions, I will pray with those coming forward, leading them to invite Jesus Christ into their hearts as Lord and Savior. Following their profession of faith as a new believer, our staff will schedule a time for baptism.


By Baptism

Some who wish to join our church are already believers in Christ, yet they have not had the experience of “believer’s baptism” by immersion. In other words, some who join may have grown up in a different faith tradition in which they were baptized as infants or who were “sprinkled” rather than having been immersed. Believing that baptism is reserved for those who are old enough to make a personal faith decision, and further believing that immersion was the preferred mode of baptism in the New Testament, we request that those joining our church have the experience of being baptized in the tradition of our church.


By Transfer of Church Letter

Many who join our church may be previous members of another Baptist Church. When joining our church, they are simply “transferring their membership” from one congregation to another. Our staff will write to their previous church to inform the church that they have requested a change in membership.


By Statement

Others who wish to join our church may do so from another denomination provided that their profession of faith and baptism experience match that of our church.


By Watchcare

From time to time we have students who are away from home studying here in Nashville. Often, they want to keep their membership at their “home” church, yet they desire to have a more formal relationship with our congregation. Watchcare membership means that we will consider these students as a part of our family of faith while they are students here in Nashville. We will commit to “watching” over them, hoping to lead them in faith development and Christian growth while they are under our care. (Watchcare members are not considered “voting” members of the church in matters of church business.)


Individuals may present themselves for membership at the close of Sunday Morning Worship.

If you have further questions about joining our church, we would be delighted to speak with you at any time.

You can call us at 615-297-5303 or email us at

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​Woodmont Baptist Church​​

2100 Woodmont Blvd | Nashville, TN 37215




615-297-5303 office

615-298-3100 WBIS (WBC info service)

615-297-2810 Weekday Preschool

Church offices are open

Monday - Friday from 8am-4:30pm.


© 2023 Woodmont Baptist Church

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