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Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus; that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.           - Romans 15:5-6

The Music Ministry of Woodmont

Worshiping God through song is the heart of music ministry at Woodmont Baptist Church. Our hope is to teach the truths of the Bible and engage all generations in song. Through music, we seek to exalt the Lord and edify each other. As Psalm 150 makes clear, we are to worship God with everything that has breath. Therefore, we strive to worship God with the unified sounds of our voices and instruments. It is our desire that all persons, regardless of age or musical background, are able to engage in worship.


For more information, call the music office at (615) 297-5303 or email Aaron Duncan at

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Worship Choir

Wednesdays    |    6:45pm    |    Choir Room


The Worship Choir serves to provide a portrait of the New Testament Church, as it is unified in the purpose of praising and worshiping God. The choir serves to lead the congregation in worship as an example of unity in worship. The choir is also devoted to excellence in presenting the gospel through choral music. Comprised of volunteers who give of their talents and gifts in service to our Lord, all are welcome to come and sing with the choir. The Worship Choir rehearses every Wednesday evening at 6:45pm. 


If you are interested in serving in the choir, please contact Aaron Duncan at


Worship Band

Sundays    |    9:30am    |    Sanctuary


The Worship Band leads us in corporate worship services Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings at our Midweek Service. It is made up of vocals, guitars, drums, bass, piano, organ keyboards, strings, and winds. Psalm 150 makes it clear that we are to praise the Lord with all of our instruments. Therefore, the Worship Band fulfills this biblical mandate of praising the Lord. Musicians in the band rehearse individually during the week and together before services. 


If you are interested in serving in the band, please contact Aaron Duncan at

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​Woodmont Baptist Church​​

2100 Woodmont Blvd | Nashville, TN 37215




615-297-5303 office

615-298-3100 WBIS (WBC info service)

615-297-2810 Weekday Preschool

Church offices are open

Monday - Friday from 8am-4:30pm.


© 2023 Woodmont Baptist Church

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