Operation Christmas Child
Shoebox Collection, November 18-25
OCC seeks to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Since 1993, OCC has provided gifts to more than 198 million children in more than 170 countries. In addition, many children participate in OCC’s discipleship program, The Greatest Journey. Since 2009, more than 14.9 million children have reported decisions for Christ after receiving a shoebox and participating in The Greatest Journey.
We at Woodmont want to help you and your families share in the joy of packing gifts for children who have never received a Christmas present. That's why we are a collection center in the Green Hills area. See below for the days and times you can bring your shoeboxes to us.
There will be a Dedication Sunday, November 17. OCC cardboard shoeboxes and plastic shoeboxes (while they last) are ready to be picked up during the week before 3 p.m. or when church is open for worship services.
Make a Virtual Shoebox!
In addition to the normal way to build a shoebox, there is an alternative virtual opportunity to fill shoeboxes. Click this link to get started!
Volunteer Help is Needed
We will need help receiving boxes on November 17 and during the collection week (November 18-25). You can sign up to volunteer here.
To learn more or for more information, email Elaine Bright.
Collection Week: November 18-25
Mon, Nov. 18: TBD
Tue, Nov. 19: TBD
Wed, Nov. 20: TBD
Thu, Nov. 21: TBD
Fri, Nov. 22: TBD
Sat, Nov. 23: TBD
Sun, Nov. 24: TBD
Mon, Nov. 26: TBD